Halloween tips for a sweet holiday. Halloween Crafts. This crafts for Halloween party ,, Halloween party ideas ..Do it yourself HALLOWEEN GLASS JAR LANTERNS by Charynn Olsheski. The perfect accessory for your fall parties, do it your self Halloween Glass Jar Lanterns. Four simple steps is all it takes to create these darling little lanterns!

Supplies: glass mason jars, spray paint, a paint brush, patterned ribbon.

Collect your supplies

Turn jars upside down on your painting surface, apply several coats of gloss spray paint according to manu-factures instructions. Let dry completely.

Paint chosen designs on jars with black acrylic paint. It may take at least two coats to cover evenly. Let it dry completely. Apply optional coat of glass spray varnish.

Glue ribbon around top of jar. Place tea lights inside jars and place jars in a safe location away from the reach of children.