Christmas comes every year, and it can be a challenge to keep a fresh touch on the holiday celebrations we hold year in and year out.
While we still want to hang onto our traditions, it’s still fun to put a twist on things to liven up the holiday spirit.
So here are five Christmas party ideas you can try to put a new face on Old Saint Nick’s holiday.
1- Throw a Cupcake Party
This one is great for kids parties. Invite all the youngsters of your family and friends over to help make and bake batches of cupcakes that they can then help decorate.
You’ll want to be well-organized so that you can easily supervise the children while letting them help in the process. And you’ll want to have stations set aside for mixing the ingredients, placing hot trays of cupcakes to cool, and one or more stations with toppings the children (and adults, why not?) can decorate their goodies.
Just make sure all kids have something to do, even if they are too young for helping with the baking. The best part of this Christmas party idea is that the kids get to feel like part of the celebration by helping.

2- Christmas Movie Marathon
We all love those classic holiday films, so why not get everyone over and watch them together? Rent or buy a set of classic films such as A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, and any of the scores of other live action and animated films and television specials that have helped get us into the holiday spirit over the years.
Of course you’ll want popcorn, but also eggnog, candy canes, and maybe even a fruit cake to get everyone in the right mood. And the great thing about some of the classics is that some of them are now in the public domain and are available very cheap.

3- Tree Trimming Party
One of the most fun parts of many of our Christmas traditions is putting up and decorating the family Christmas tree. So how about sharing that fun with your extended family and friends and let them help do the work for you?
Everyone can bring their own decoration that means something to them and you, and these new decorations can become part of your annual tree collection.
Even better, your friends and family can hold their own tree trimming parties and you all can help each other get ready for the holiday season.

4- Holiday Shopping Party
Do you always worry whether you are getting the perfect gift for those on your list? Why not get together with friends and family and make a Christmas party of your shopping? You can give each other gift ideas and much-needed opinions on the gift ideas you are considering.
And while you’re at it, bring some Christmas treats along and stop off in the pub for a little Christmas cheer. Just make sure you have a designated sled driver.

Hopefully these Christmas party ideas help you put a new spin on your holiday celebrations, and they may even be the beginning of a lasting holiday tradition.