Keeping things fresh in your love life is not always easy, and this can be especially the case when trying to figure out what to do on the one day where we celebrate how we feel about our lovers. But with just a little thought, you’ll find a few simple ideas are all you need to put the L in your day of love. Here are a few Valentine’s Day ideas to help put the spark into the celebration of your romance.
Candlelight Dinner
This classic is a Valentine’s Day staple and for good reason. There’s nothing like the soft glow of a candle lighting the face of your loved one sitting across from you to inspire a romantic atmosphere. It helps to do something different than the norm. If you can cook, have a romantic dinner at home with a special tablecloth and the good china on the table. If not, make reservations at a nice restaurant with a quaint atmosphere, preferably one that won’t be overly crowded.

Romantic Evening without the Kids
Ask a trusted friend or relative who won’t mind having kids on Valentine’s Day to watch your children for the evening so that you and your significant other can enjoy a romantic evening alone together. This is a good time to have that candlelight dinner at home, then lure your lover into the bedroom for a passionate celebration of your love.

Sensual Massage
If you want to really heat up the passion, one great Valentine’s Day idea is to give your lover a coupon for a sensual massage, to be provided by you! There is no better way to inspire a romantic mood than to rub your lover’s body from head to toe. Although not everyone is a masseuse, anyone can learn the basics of giving a safe and satisfying massage online. Armed with a little knowledge, some warm oil and a few towels, you’ll be in business. Of course you could always treat your lover to the services of a professional spa, but that isn’t quite so romantic.

Another Valentine’s Day idea classic is the red rose, or any rose for that matter. These symbols of romance can be used in a variety of ways to set the mood. You can give the traditional bouquet of a dozen roses. Single red roses can be placed in vases on the table of your candlelight dinner. You can even leave a trail of rose petals leading to the bedroom to guide your lover to an evening of passion. Be creative.

Romantic Film Festival
With so many home media choices available today, a very romantic way to spend your Valentine’s Day is to pick up all the films that remind the two of you how much you love each other. Make sure to choose films that you both enjoy, and maybe even add a few that neither of you have seen. Add some popcorn and kisses (both the real and chocolate kinds), and you have the makings of a romantic afternoon.

Take the day off from work if you have to, have breakfast in bed, and then spend the day trying some of these Valentine’s Day ideas that will hopefully add a sprinkle of passion in the celebration of your love.