Purple accessories, textiles, curtains
Purple is incredibly in this season and everything is about this color ( next to Orange of course) .
Purple is a great choice of color because it has hundreds of different shades, each one of which mirror a different style and feeling

Orange accessories

Orange goes extremely well with colder shades such as various shades of blue, purple and can really make grey, white or pastel shades very vivid.

Grey is extremely stylish on the walls this season, no matter we talk about a silvery shade or a shade which is halfway between blue and grey or the perfect light ash grey, this shade is the perfect shade these times and its very often suggested by the top interior designers as well. Grey can have a great space –effect however its other shades work perfectly to make large spaces smaller.
Moroccan style
Moroccan style never goes out of fashion when it comes to interior design. Of course, this doesn’t mean a total transfer. A well placed lamp only can have a dramatic effect on the whole outlook of a room, alternatively check out for smaller bronze or copper tea-tables, buy a tea-set or a couple of authentic pillows and voilá you have immediately added something exotic to make your room a unique and fun place to be.
Wallpapers somehow were out of style in the past few years but now they are really back with a bang. Modern style, artistic wallpapers can really update and upgrade a room to become a haven of style. Textile wallpapers, wallpapers with shimmery forms are also very in.
Crystal chandeliers
Simplified and modernized crystal chandeliers and lamps of similar style are extremely popular these days especially for young ladies.
Retro or antique posters, bulletin boards
Retro bulletin boards and posters dating back to the Forties or Fifties are immensely stylish today, even without renovation. The same goes for old-time photographs and cinema posters too
Any old or antique products pure or revamped
As the saying goes “what is trash for someone could be a treasure for someone else”. Ranging from the old iron of your great-granddad to an old phone from the Eighties or even older days, basically anything old or country is in style today. Go and visit antique dealers but even junk yards, local auctions because you can get to see something that you will really fall in love with and you can practically buy it only for a few cents.
There are so many superb new decoration ideas which are really worth checking out no matter what your basic style is, something new can very easily revamp a room or the whole flat. We suggest you to check out some antique dealers, to check out dealers of oriental furniture and accessories. The application of new tiles can also have a dramatic effect to any room.
Last but not least, be brave to try new wall colors. If you do not like them you can get them repainted in no time, but it’s great when you just experiment a bit to see what you can really bring out of your flat.